Do you find yourself overwhelmed by the stressors in your life? Chronic, unresolved stress interferes with your ability to cope and can lead to emotional disturbances and interpersonal conflicts. Family demands, financial worries, job pressures, illnesses and unexpected change are just a few of the sources of stress. The emotional and behavioral signs of stress are different for each person. Common signs include anger/irritability, hopelessness, difficulty making decisions, worrying, overeating/not eating enough, sleep difficulties, procrastination and neglecting responsibilities. Although approaches to deal with stress also vary from person to person, common strategies include help with mental and emotional processes, problem solving, prioritizing and relaxation techniques.
Learn strategies to help you take control and alleviate the stress in your life.
I am excited to now offer online counseling! For additional information click the following link: I was watching a tv show in which someone was encouraged with the words "You Matter". These 2 simple words are powerful and carry a sentiment that needs to be received with the highest sense of urgency. When you know that you matter you understand that your life is IMPORTANT----your EXISTENCE is crucial! You matter enough to have, do and be better. Once you recognize your significance in this world you refuse to allow anything-----mentally, emotionally, physically, spiritually---to come against your "mattering"!
Naquisha Howard-Stubbs, MA, LPCI am a a Licensed Psychotherapist specializing in helping individuals live emotionally, mentally and spiritually fulfilling lives. Archives
June 2021